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Friday, July 27, 2012

High Five for Friday

Per yoush, I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for this H54F post!

This Friday, I'm high fiving for...

1. Trivia! 
Since it was Lauren's birthday, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for some trivia with friends. She won one game and I won one!

2. This sweet wittle pup.
Seriously can you even handle this?!

3. Babysitting! 
I got to babysit my fave Kate and her sisters for the second time in one week! Score! She kept randomly telling me "I like you" during various activities. So precious!

4. Finishing the GRE!
I took the GRE on Tuesday and have lived to tell about it! It actually wasn't that bad. I dare say I mildly enjoyed it because it was self-paced and removed the awkward middle man/instructor by being on the computer. And I scored a few points higher than I was hoping to!

5. Moving!
I'm moving out of my apartment in Chapel Hill this weekend (tear) and moving to Durham this coming week (hooray!). For now, I'm cramming lots of boxes and using as much bubble wrap as I can get away with (for the sake of fun, keeping my belongings safe is just an added bonus). Obvi.


  1. Who doesn't love bubble wrap??
    Stopping by from the link up!
    Happy Friday!! Now following!!

    1. Thanks, Montana! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
