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Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Once again, I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for this post!

I'm high fivin' for...

1. The last day of summer school! 
Lauren and I will be celebrating this momentous day by doing super fun things! Like studying! Hah. But really...
Also, I snapped this pic when Lauren came down to my apartment to borrow baking supplies. We were both wearing aprons. It was a glorious moment.

2. Addressing, stamping, and alphabetizing (almost all of) our Save the Dates!

Contrary to what it looks like, we are not in fact honeymooning in Hawaii. These puppies were the only post card stamps the lovely post office lady could wrangle.

3. All my bridesmaids ordering their dresses for ridiculously cheap. We found and ordered them off of David's Bridal's online outlet sale. You can't beat $29.99 for a bridesmaid dress!
One of the dresses - originally $139.00. Can you say "Deal!"?

4. Breakfast date with my man! Miles swung by Chapel Thrill on his way to work and we grabbed some yummy breakfast sandwiches at Merritt's. If you live in Chapel Hill and haven't checked out Merritt's Grill, go there a-sap. So. delish.
5. Free things!! The Wedding Chicks blog has tons of free printables here. They're great for weddings, but there are lots of freebies that are fun for anyone anytime!
Here's one I made!
Happy Friday!


  1. $30 for bridesmaids dresses? that is amazing!!! did you get them in that red color? my brother just got married and that was the color of our dresses- so pretty!

    1. Oh fun! They are "apple" red, perfect for December 21st!

  2. Wow - so much wedding news! I just got engaged, so I will definitely be frequenting your blog for inspiration :)

    Happy Friday! xoxo

    1. Congratulations, Kate! That's so exciting! Being engaged is super fun :)

  3. What a deal for bridesmaids dresses, and they're so cute!


    1. Thanks, Carly! It was a serious steal. Happy Friday!

  4. New follower here! Your blog is adorable. Anyway, those bridesmaids dresses are so cute! You're right, you can't beat that price. What a great find!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I love new followers :) Your blog is wonderful too! Definitely adding it to my blogger bookmarks so I can keep up with it!

  5. YAYYY for getting your STD's out!!! Itsn't that whole invitation process long, but FUN?!?! It was surely fun for us!

    Found you through the link up H54F!


  6. Awww Lauren was in my sorority!! :) Small world! I love the bridesmaid dresses, what a great deal!

  7. I'm just now starting summer school/grad school. I'm kinda jealous that you're already done. :)

    Happy Friday!
