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Friday, July 20, 2012

High Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for this post.

This week has been wonderful and super relaxing since it was spent at Bald Head Island with my family!

Here are my high fives:

1. I was on TV for ServeRDU! This technically happened last week, but I forgot to post it so here's the link.

2. I am legitimately tan. This, my friends, is a miracle. Normally I'm a pale face, but for the last few weeks of summer I'm sporting a golden color. Woohoo!
You can't really tell in this picture, but you'll just have to trust me.

3. Mad Men
This summer, Mad Men and The Bachelorette have been my guilty pleasures. I'm not afraid to admit it. And since I'm on vacay, I've been able to finish season one and start season two! The glimpses of redemption in Don Draper keep me coming back for more - aaaand then he usually ruins it by having some sort of an affair. Sheesh.

4. This article.
I thought this article from The Resurgence was super convicting and well written. For some reason, not being on a schedule during summer is one big fat catalyst for the starved soul epidemic Jen Smidt talks about in this article.

5. GOurban meeting this weekend!/Trip Lee!
I haven't really explained what GOurban is on here, but here's the cliff notes version: 16 people living in Durham, creating intentional community with the people there in order to share the Gospel. This in and of itself is exciting, but what's really exciting is that our team is getting together this weekend and we're getting to meet Trip Lee. Now, granted, I'm not your average Christian rap connoisseur, but its pretty exciting that we get to meet him! 


  1. I'm a big Mad Men fan. I love everything about it but most of all the outfits. So fun! And I know what you mean about being tan. I love it! I get tired of being pale all the time! Popping over From My Grey Desk. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Yes! I love the outfits too! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I also am a huge fan of Mad Men and Bachelorette is definitely my biggest guilty pleasure. Ps- I really like the columns on your blog layout - very pretty!

  3. i wonder sometimes why do the americans, or some europeans love tan. don't get me wrong, but here in my country every girl hide themselves from the sun, as much as possible. haha!

