I realize this is old news, but right now I'm (surprisingly) trackin' with Teen Mom Amber so I thought I would write about it.
In an interview with ABC's Juju Chang, Portwood explained why she chose 5 years in prison over a few months of outpatient rehab. She very candidly admits that in rehab she was depressed and very lonely.
To any sane person, this choice seems absurd. Who would want to go to prison? Especially when the alternative is a cushy outpatient rehab clinic?
Someone who has zero community, that's who. For Amber, prison provides a fresh start where she won't be so lonely.
When I first read articles and watched interviews about her decision, I was super perplexed. I wasn't shocked, because, well let's be real, her actions haven't always been the most logical, but I was interested in what led her to make such a bold choice.
Then this summer happened. If I'm being real, I, like Portwood, haven't had much community at all. During the school year, my small group provided a lot of consistency, accountability, and structure and when all my girls were gone for the summer it was sad and left me in a frump! I love having a set schedule - it keeps me on track whether that's consistent time spent with the Lord or even eating (pretty) healthy. But this summer has been anything but consistent in all those areas (community, my spiritual life, and my health). And to be honest, its left me feeling pretty dehydrated as this summer comes to an end.
My heart breaks for Amber Portwood because, I believe, the heart behind her decision is crying out for community and ultimately Jesus. She's just putting an ill-fitting, drastic, and temporary band-aid over that cry by choosing prison. Her decision is a hyperbolic highlight of how we all need community - community with God and community with others.
Coral background
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday Musings: Busy Bee
This weekend has been busy. Crazy busy.
On Friday, my mom came into town and we had numerous appointments with florists and a rental company, plus we ordered our invitations.
Saturday was filled with lots of this:
Packing! I moved out of my apartment in Chapel Hill :( and back home for a few days. The next few days are consisting of unpacking clothes, boxes, etc. only to consolidate and repack in order to move into Durham. I'll be living in a house with lots of girls until December 21st and then I'm moving out to live with a different roommate - Miles! Right now our wedding seems kinda far off, but packing boxes that I got to label "married life" made it seem a whole lot closer!
Friday, July 27, 2012
High Five for Friday
Per yoush, I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for this H54F post!
This Friday, I'm high fiving for...
1. Trivia!
Since it was Lauren's birthday, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for some trivia with friends. She won one game and I won one!
5. Moving!
This Friday, I'm high fiving for...
1. Trivia!
Since it was Lauren's birthday, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for some trivia with friends. She won one game and I won one!
2. This sweet wittle pup.
Seriously can you even handle this?!
3. Babysitting!
I got to babysit my fave Kate and her sisters for the second time in one week! Score! She kept randomly telling me "I like you" during various activities. So precious!
4. Finishing the GRE!
I took the GRE on Tuesday and have lived to tell about it! It actually wasn't that bad. I dare say I mildly enjoyed it because it was self-paced and removed the awkward middle man/instructor by being on the computer. And I scored a few points higher than I was hoping to!5. Moving!
I'm moving out of my apartment in Chapel Hill this weekend (tear) and moving to Durham this coming week (hooray!). For now, I'm cramming lots of boxes and using as much bubble wrap as I can get away with (for the sake of fun, keeping my belongings safe is just an added bonus). Obvi.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Happy Birthday, Laurenie!
Today is a super important day because its my biffle Lauren's birthday! She's the big 2-1 and I'm super excited.
Lauren and I met freshman year at our campus ministry's new student retreat and have been friends ever since. She's one of my bridesmaids and makes me laugh like no other. Plus, she is a wonderful friend and does things like go to marriage conferences with me, picks me up from class endlessly, and is always up for shopping.
Happy birthday, Laurenie! Love you!
Our first pic ever together. It was our reaction to eating at a pretty sketch place, hence the lovely expressions. |
Lauren and I met freshman year at our campus ministry's new student retreat and have been friends ever since. She's one of my bridesmaids and makes me laugh like no other. Plus, she is a wonderful friend and does things like go to marriage conferences with me, picks me up from class endlessly, and is always up for shopping.
Baby freshmen. |
![]() |
Sophomore year adventures of running in the rain unintentionally |
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Stress Ball & A Number 2 Pencil.
As you're reading this, I'm likely in transit to take the GRE.
This is concerning for multiple reasons. First of all, let's hope my 4 alarms went off on time and I am in fact in transit. Second of all, I'm a nervous pee-er. There is one 10 minute break during the 4+ hour test. One. Not so great for bladder twitching. Third of all, its the stinkin' GRE. For grad school. Meaning I'm old enough to almost be in grad school. *Mild panic attack*
Say a prayer for me / send warm fuzzies through the universe in my direction. I'll need it!
This is concerning for multiple reasons. First of all, let's hope my 4 alarms went off on time and I am in fact in transit. Second of all, I'm a nervous pee-er. There is one 10 minute break during the 4+ hour test. One. Not so great for bladder twitching. Third of all, its the stinkin' GRE. For grad school. Meaning I'm old enough to almost be in grad school. *Mild panic attack*
Say a prayer for me / send warm fuzzies through the universe in my direction. I'll need it!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Monday Musings: Ice Cream, Community, & One "f" Jef
This. weekend. was. awesome.
I finished off spending time with my family at the beach with good food...
And lots of ice cream...
Upon heading back to Durham, I got to babysit my favorite little four year old - Kate - and her sweet sisters!
I also got to meet most of my future housemates! I'm so ready to have community and get to live with 6 other girls! This summer has been pretty void of community and it was so refreshing and exciting to think about moving to Durham with lots of wonderful people!
Aaalllsssoooo can we just talk about this?!
Yay Jef!! They looked so happy! He's going to be a super dad for Little Ricky :)
I finished off spending time with my family at the beach with good food...
And lots of ice cream...
Upon heading back to Durham, I got to babysit my favorite little four year old - Kate - and her sweet sisters!
I also got to meet most of my future housemates! I'm so ready to have community and get to live with 6 other girls! This summer has been pretty void of community and it was so refreshing and exciting to think about moving to Durham with lots of wonderful people!
Aaalllsssoooo can we just talk about this?!
Yay Jef!! They looked so happy! He's going to be a super dad for Little Ricky :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
High Five for Friday
I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for this post.
This week has been wonderful and super relaxing since it was spent at Bald Head Island with my family!
Here are my high fives:
1. I was on TV for ServeRDU! This technically happened last week, but I forgot to post it so here's the link.
2. I am legitimately tan. This, my friends, is a miracle. Normally I'm a pale face, but for the last few weeks of summer I'm sporting a golden color. Woohoo!
You can't really tell in this picture, but you'll just have to trust me.
3. Mad Men
This summer, Mad Men and The Bachelorette have been my guilty pleasures. I'm not afraid to admit it. And since I'm on vacay, I've been able to finish season one and start season two! The glimpses of redemption in Don Draper keep me coming back for more - aaaand then he usually ruins it by having some sort of an affair. Sheesh.
4. This article.
I thought this article from The Resurgence was super convicting and well written. For some reason, not being on a schedule during summer is one big fat catalyst for the starved soul epidemic Jen Smidt talks about in this article.
5. GOurban meeting this weekend!/Trip Lee!
I haven't really explained what GOurban is on here, but here's the cliff notes version: 16 people living in Durham, creating intentional community with the people there in order to share the Gospel. This in and of itself is exciting, but what's really exciting is that our team is getting together this weekend and we're getting to meet Trip Lee. Now, granted, I'm not your average Christian rap connoisseur, but its pretty exciting that we get to meet him!
This week has been wonderful and super relaxing since it was spent at Bald Head Island with my family!
Here are my high fives:
1. I was on TV for ServeRDU! This technically happened last week, but I forgot to post it so here's the link.
2. I am legitimately tan. This, my friends, is a miracle. Normally I'm a pale face, but for the last few weeks of summer I'm sporting a golden color. Woohoo!
You can't really tell in this picture, but you'll just have to trust me.
3. Mad Men
This summer, Mad Men and The Bachelorette have been my guilty pleasures. I'm not afraid to admit it. And since I'm on vacay, I've been able to finish season one and start season two! The glimpses of redemption in Don Draper keep me coming back for more - aaaand then he usually ruins it by having some sort of an affair. Sheesh.
4. This article.
I thought this article from The Resurgence was super convicting and well written. For some reason, not being on a schedule during summer is one big fat catalyst for the starved soul epidemic Jen Smidt talks about in this article.
5. GOurban meeting this weekend!/Trip Lee!
I haven't really explained what GOurban is on here, but here's the cliff notes version: 16 people living in Durham, creating intentional community with the people there in order to share the Gospel. This in and of itself is exciting, but what's really exciting is that our team is getting together this weekend and we're getting to meet Trip Lee. Now, granted, I'm not your average Christian rap connoisseur, but its pretty exciting that we get to meet him!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday Musings: BHI
Friday, July 13, 2012
High Five for Friday: Life is Good.
Like always, I'm linking up with Lauren and Kate for this Friday post!
This week has been ridiculously busy but crazy good (and ex.haus.ting.)! Here are my high fives for the week:
1. ServeRDU!
ServeRDU is a week where the Summit Church loves on the Raleigh-Durham area by doing a variety of things to invest in the community. The ultimate goal is living out the Gospel and networking with people in order to love them well throughout the year. I've painted more in the past two days than I have in my entire life. For realz.
Aaaand I might be famous. Kinda. At least as famous as you can be from The Herald Sun. Hopefully we're making Jesus way more famous as we serve in Durham!
2. Wedding shenanigans.
I'm meeting with a florist today! I've got color swatches, an awesome caterer, and a dress - and most importantly a wonderful groom - all the necessary staples to a wedding. So basically I can get married tomorrow. Or in like 5 months. Whatev.
Trust me, the all caps are totally necessary. This, my friends, is a Durham delicacy: red velvet cake frozen yogurt with brownie bites from the best froyo place ever (Local Yogurt). This is by far my fave, but they rarely have it. I shamelessly called to check their flavors, heard "wah wah wah wah wah RED VELVET CAKE wah wah wah" and was there pronto. My only regret is that I didn't get more.
4. Summer small group!
This week's SG was great (not at all because I led it but) because of the girls that were there and the insight we shared while studying Philippians 4. I love this phrase: "The Lord is at hand" (Phil. 4:5). It's so often neglected, but so powerful!
5. Vacation!!
This will be my view for the next week as I head with my fam down to Bald Head Island! Can't wait to get some sun,study for the GRE, spend time with my man, and relax!
Happy Friday, y'all!
This week has been ridiculously busy but crazy good (and ex.haus.ting.)! Here are my high fives for the week:
1. ServeRDU!
ServeRDU is a week where the Summit Church loves on the Raleigh-Durham area by doing a variety of things to invest in the community. The ultimate goal is living out the Gospel and networking with people in order to love them well throughout the year. I've painted more in the past two days than I have in my entire life. For realz.
Aaaand I might be famous. Kinda. At least as famous as you can be from The Herald Sun. Hopefully we're making Jesus way more famous as we serve in Durham!
2. Wedding shenanigans.
I'm meeting with a florist today! I've got color swatches, an awesome caterer, and a dress - and most importantly a wonderful groom - all the necessary staples to a wedding. So basically I can get married tomorrow. Or in like 5 months. Whatev.
Trust me, the all caps are totally necessary. This, my friends, is a Durham delicacy: red velvet cake frozen yogurt with brownie bites from the best froyo place ever (Local Yogurt). This is by far my fave, but they rarely have it. I shamelessly called to check their flavors, heard "wah wah wah wah wah RED VELVET CAKE wah wah wah" and was there pronto. My only regret is that I didn't get more.
4. Summer small group!
This week's SG was great (not at all because I led it but) because of the girls that were there and the insight we shared while studying Philippians 4. I love this phrase: "The Lord is at hand" (Phil. 4:5). It's so often neglected, but so powerful!
5. Vacation!!
This will be my view for the next week as I head with my fam down to Bald Head Island! Can't wait to get some sun,
Happy Friday, y'all!
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